Iran starts marketing for petrochemical exports to Europe
TEHRAN, Oct. 07 (MNA) – Director general of the Association of Petrochemical Industry Corporations (AIPC) has referred to the talks with some European petrochemicals distributors estimating increased export in petrochemicals after the removal of sanctions.
Explaining Iran’s new plans to export petrochemical and plastic products to EU member countries after the lifting of sanctions, Ahmad Mahdavi said that, “currently, we are not experiencing any problems in exporting petrochemicals.”
Announcing that exports to new markets like Europe have been put on the agenda in time with the increase in production capacity of petrochemical products, he asserted that, “accordingly, negotiations with some major petrochemical and polymeric companies have been launched.”
The official further referred to talks with a major petrochemicals distributor in Brussels adding that, “as a result of the preliminary agreement, the company will be in charge of marketing and sale of Iran’s petrochemicals in European countries.”
Pointing to the operation of several new petrochemical complexes, he underlined that, “new petrochemical projects will soon become operational in the country leading to increased production and export of petrochemical products.”
Before the rise of sanctions, 10 to 14 percent of Iranian petrochemical products were exported to Europe bringing a profit of about 2 to 2.5 billion dollars to the country.
At the moment, despite the nuclear agreement, Iran’s petrochemical exports to Europe has not made a significant improvement due to certain problems including insurance limitations, currency transfer issues as well as supply of ships.