Iran ready for $50b foreign investment
Referring to the great infrastructures that petrochemical industry enjoys in the country, Mir-Afzali highlighted that infrastructures are provided in Iran’s petrochemical sector for the attraction of more than $50 billion of foreign investment.
Making investment in Iranian petrochemical industry has high profit for the foreign companies as the country enjoys huge resources of energy and also access to the free waters besides enjoying high knowledge, he commented.
Iran’s enjoying a lot of low-price feedstock is an advantage which the country should take for the attraction of foreign investment to its petrochemical industry, he added.
Iran plans to raise its petrochemical production to around 129 million tons by the end of the country’s sixth five-year development plan (2021).
Officials say the country has the capacity to produce 60 million tons of petrochemicals per annum.
Last December, Mohammad-Hassan Peyvandi, the deputy managing director of the NPC, said Iran’s annual petrochemical output is planned to reach 46 million tons by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 19, 2016).
He put the country’s petrochemical production at 44 million tons in the previous calendar year.
In a ceremony held in Tehran on December 28, 2015 to celebrate the 51st establishment anniversary of the NPC, Peyvandi said petrochemical industry can crown Iranian economy, because many other industries of the country are relying on it.