Iran ships 1st petchem cargo to Brazil
TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) – For the first time throughout history, two Iranian petrochemical shipments were deployed to the South American country of Brazil.
The Iranian petrochemical industry pursues diversification of destination markets for exports of petchem and polymer products as a major policy for the post-JCPOA period.
Until last year, more than 50 per cent of Iranian petrochemical products were transported to Chinese markets while the first cargo has been deployed to a new market in South America in order to diversify markets.
Accordingly, two urea cargoes with an aggregate weight of 74 thousand tons have been sent to Brazil in recent week while the process of exporting petrochemical products to other South American states is expected to continue.
Domestic Commercial Manager of Petrochemical Commercial Company (PCC) Jamshid Mohammadi confirmed sales of two urea cargos to Brazil saying “two shipments, weighing 27500 and 36750 tons apiece have been exported to the South American country.”
Shipments of Iranian urea were packed in bags and deployed to Brazil with containers in order to develop marketing and exports of petrochemical products in South America, he continued.
PCC Managing Director Mehdi Sharifi Niknafas, however, had recently deemed high costs of freight transport as the main problem facing petchem exports to far destinations; “given the proximity of South American states to Canadian and American producers, we require the ability to out power rivals.”
Iran is seeking to lower costs of transport by sea in order to enter the South American market one strategy being goods exchange by importing some agriculture and dairy products in turn for selling petchems.
Accordingly, Iran has opened a joint firm in Brazil to facilitate and expedite exports of petrochemical and polymer products to South American destinations, Brazil in particular.