Integration of Petchem Sales Necessary: CEO
TEHRAN (Shana) -- Managing Director of National Petrochemical Company (NPC) Marziyeh Shahdaei said integration of petrochemical sales by domestic suppliers is necessity in order for them to have a firmer presence in international markets.
Addressing the 27th gathering of the CEOs and executives of Iranian petrochemical companies on Wednesday, Shahdaei said petrochemical suppliers need to integrate and interact in their marketing and sale of products so that they can bolster the Iranian brand of their goods and enjoy a firm toehold in global markets.
"We must tap every opportunity at hand for more investment in the sector because timely investments can add impetus to the sector's growth," she said.
Marziyeh Shahdaei, who is also deputy petroleum minister in petrochemical affairs, further reiterated NPC's support for domestic manufacturers and producers, urging her audience to be more careful when buying stuff and parts for installation in their facilities and prioritize Iranian suppliers over their foreign rivals.
She added that once Persian Gulf Star Refinery is operational, more feedstock will be available to many petrochemical plants in the country.