TEHRAN, Aug. 21 (MNA) – High-quality polymer-based nanoproducts of Iranian firms are exported to several Asian countries.
According to Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC), silicone nanopolymer manufactured by Iranian knowledge-based companies is being exported to a number of Asian countries. The companies manufacture nanopolymer products, metal nanopowders, and polymer nanocolloids.
According to Research and Development Manager of one of these companies, “this nanomaterial makes it possible to produce thin polymer films and super-hydrophobicity surfaces. This makes them suitable to be used in plastic, anti-dust and anti-fog industries; and vehicle-related products such as fuel additives and car engine cleaners, as well as different toxicants like pesticides and extermination substances”.
More than 200 tons of silicone nanopolymer has been manufactured in 2018 by Iranian companies. A large portion of the manufactured nanomaterial has been exported due to its competitive performance and price in international market.